2024 Comprehensive Plan
Town of South Prairie 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update - final 7-12-24.pdf
Chapter 1 Appendix A Public Participation Plan - 2024 Comp Plan Update -South Prairie.pdf
Chapter 1 Appendix B South Prairie Public Participation Survey.pdf
Chapter 1 Appendix C South Prairie Survey Responses.pdf
Chapter 4 Appendix A 151 - RV Park Land Use Agrmnt - Approved 1994-0802.pdf
Chapter 6 Appendix A South Prairie 2023 GSP & Engineering Report_November 2023 (1).pdf
Chapter 6 Appendix B 2018 Water System Plan 07-01-19.pdf
Chapter 7 Appendix A Res 2024-01 Adopting the 2024-2029 Six-Year TIP.pdf
The Community Development Department encompasses Land Use Planning, Engineering and Building. All three divisions are contracted to third parties. The Planning function is performed by Sound Municipal Consultants. The Engineering function is performed by BHC Consultants. The Building function is performed by Pierce County Planning and Land Services.
The Planning Division has two main functions:
Current Planning - The review and regulation of land use permits for projects, such as subdivisions, apartments, commercial centers, and construction in critical areas.
Long Range Planning - The development of appropriate land use regulations and amendments to the Comprehensive Plan.
The Planning Division is responsible for administering most of the Unified Development Code (SPMC Title 15 Unified Development Code | South Prairie Municipal Code) and the Zoning Code (SPMC Title 17 Zoning | South Prairie Municipal Code).
If you are specifically interested in knowing what you can and cannot do with your property, please follow the link to the Zoning Map (Land Use & Zoning Map) and also look at South Prairie Municipal Code Chapter 17.04 District Regulations (Ch. 17.04 District Regulations | South Prairie Municipal Code) and the associated requirements of SPMC Chapters 17.05 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements (Ch. 17.05 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements | South Prairie Municipal Code), 17.06 Sign Regulations (Ch. 17.06 Sign Regulations | South Prairie Municipal Code), 17.07 Landscaping Regulations Ch. 17.07 Landscaping Regulations | South Prairie Municipal Code), and 17.08 General and Supplementary Provisions (Ch. 17.08 General and Supplementary Provisions | South Prairie Municipal Code).
Please note the Town of South Prairie has very limited sewer capacity. You’ll want to check sewer availability with the Engineering Division before planning any new project within the Town’s service area. All sewer connections must also be approved by the Department of Ecology.
Engineering has two main areas of concern: Town Infrastructure and Development Review. With respect to development review, the Engineering staff are part of the current planning review process initiated by the Planning Division. The Engineering Division is responsible for administering the Development Standards of South Prairie Municipal Code Chapters 15.20 Clearing, Grading, Filling and Drainage Regulations (Ch. 15.20 Clearing, Grading, Filling, and Drainage Regulations | South Prairie Municipal Code), 15.74 Streets (Title 15 Div. 4 Development Standards | South Prairie Municipal Code), 15.76 Utilities (Ch. 15.76 Utilities | South Prairie Municipal Code), and 15.78 Drainage, Erosion Control, and Storm Water Management (Ch. 15.78 Drainage, Erosion Control, and Storm Water Management | South Prairie Municipal Code).
On the Town side, Engineering is primarily responsible for city infrastructure improvements and the review of public development projects. This includes various permit reviews of all development that affect public infrastructure. Engineering conducts various city-wide studies in order to implement improvements to infrastructure including the Town's Water System Plan.
Engineering staff are also responsible for the planning, development and implementation of projects from the Capital Facilities Element as funded in the annual budget. This involves the design and construction management of city funded capital improvement projects for the city's transportation, water, wastewater, stormwater management and park improvement projects.
The Building Division is dedicated to protecting the South Prairie community through the permitting, inspection, and approval of proposed development and building construction projects throughout the Town. All new development will be reviewed by the Planning Division. No Certificates of Occupancy will be granted until the Planning and Engineering Divisions have signed off on the approval.
Contact Information
For all development projects and questions, please contact the Town Deputy Clerk at 360.897.8878 or deputyclerk@townofsp.com. The Clerk will route your questions to the appropriate party.